A Message to Our Clients

To our clients, colleagues and friends:

It has been almost 40 years since we walked through the doors of our respective law schools, eager to learn how to put our degrees to good use and take our places in the legal community.

We have had some amazing experiences along the way, from the accounting firm of Arthur Andersen where we met as tax attorneys, continuing through our Boston law firm days and during the last 30 years practicing together.  We have learned a lot and have met some pretty special people during our journey.

We are now ready to close the chapter on this part of our lives and to make some changes.  Richard has decided to use the last 40 years of his legal experience to focus his energy on strategic estate planning and providing Trustee services.   Effective July 2nd, he will become Of Counsel to the Wellesley law firm of Margolis, Bloom and D’Agostino, a well regarded estate planning and elder law firm.  They have years of expertise in these areas and highly trained attorneys who will be assuming the day-to-day management of Richard’s practice, leaving him free to work on more complicated projects.

Eleanor has decided to officially retire and make room for other activities that have taken a back seat for the last four decades.

Below we have provided additional information about next steps for our clients as we undertake this transition, but we want to take the opportunity to say a most profound ‘Thank you’.  All of you have, in each of your own ways, formed us as attorneys and humans and we are grateful for having had the opportunity to serve you; to get to know you; and to share in your trials, tribulations and joy.  Every client and colleague of ours has been an honor to know and we will never forget the experiences we have shared with you.

Thank you,
Richard and Eleanor

Information for Transition Planning

For Richard’s clients:
Richard will no longer be handling day-to-day estate planning work.  This work will be managed by the lawyers at Margolis, Bloom and D’Agostino.  We will give them access to copies of estate planning documents for those clients who wish to meet with one of their attorneys either now or in the future.

We will also transfer to them all original estate planning documents that we have held for safekeeping.  If you prefer to take possession of your original documents, just let us know.

Below is the contact information for Attorney Jeffrey Bloom and Attorney Patricia D’Agostino.  They are the partners that will be directly responsible for supporting your needs.  All calls to our phone number will still be answered by Courtney.
If you would like to be added to the Margolis, Bloom and D’Agostino email list to receive their email newsletter on estate planning and elder law topics, please log onto https://www.postable.com/Margolisbloomdagostino  and provide the information requested.

Attorney Jeffrey Bloom                                              

Attorney Patricia D’Agostino

For Eleanor’s clients:
There are several corporate, real estate and nonprofit attorneys who will be handling Eleanor’s clients after her retirement.  If you are a corporate client and you have not yet heard from us, please email Eleanor and she will connect you to one of the corporate attorneys who will then assume responsibility for corporate maintenance.

For related questions please email Courtney using the form below.